Joel W. Stolinsky 1(layout,c), 16-41, 46-60(i+)
Alex Nino 1(p,i)
Tom Orzechowski 1(logo)
Kevin Siembieda 2(e), 3-15(i,l), 46-60(s,i+,l)
Brian Siembieda 3-10(p)
Alex Marciniszyn 11-15(s,p)
Maurice Hufnagel 42(letter)
Fran Treviskni 42(letter)
John Camilleri 42(letter)
Ed Kwaitkowski 46-60(p,i+)
James Dombrowski 46-60(i+), 63-65, 67
Kenny Schettling 61-62(a)
John Peter 61-62(s,l)
John Benson 68
2 - An Editorial
3 - The Resurrection of Peter Peabrain
11 - Pact
16 - Way-Out Part II
17 - The Adventures Of The Gargoyle and Punkie-My-Eye
43 - 15 Miles Up
46 - The Coming Of Man
61 - Truck Rogers, Space Trucker
63 - Sidesteps
66 - Megaton Publications (ad)
67 - untitled
68 - untitled