click for detailed cover
A+Plus #1
1st Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #GL7
March 1977
Megaton Publications
8 1/2" x 11"
68 pages
Printrun: 5,000
Cover: Red & Black on Glossy White
Guts: Newsprint

See also:
SRUCC: A+Plus #2
SRUCC: A+Plus #3
SRUCC: A+Plus #4
SRUCC: A+Plus #5
Grand Comics Database: A+Plus #1.

Mike Nasser - 1, 68
Alex Marcinisczyn - 3(e)
Kevin Siembieda - 4, 22-44
Joel W. Stolinsky - 3-21, 64
Brian Siembieda - 45-49
Bill Bryan - 50-62
Peter Simon - 63
C.K.S. - 65
James Dombroski - 66
2 - blank page
3 - An Editorial
4 - Who's Reality
5 - Way Out
6 - The Stargod
22 - Tendrils of the Mind
45 - Paraphernalia
50 - The Fool
63 - Eye Catcher
64 - On The Spot
65 - untitled
66 - untitled
67 - blank page
68 - untitled