Spain Rodriguez - 1, 3-11
S. Clay Wilson - 2, 14, 25, 28-33, 51
Gilbert Shelton - 12-13
Rick Griffin - 15-18
Robert Crumb - 19-24, 42-44
Robert Williams - 26-27, 34-41
Victor Moscoso - 45-50, 52
2 - untitled
3 - Sangrella
12 - The Adventures of Fat Freddy's Cat
14 - Dyke Pirates Rescue Their Captain
15 - John 3: 16-21
19 - Mr. Natural Meets "The Kid"
25 - Rough Trade Lib
26 - Hookin' & Jabbin' with Zeak the Zuke
28 - Futuristic Glimpse
34 - The Mentor in the Mason Jar
42 - R. Crumb presents R. Crumb
45 - I Gotta Get Atta This Place
51 - Crazed Junkies Fight Killer Robots to the Death
52 - Backcover Comix