Rip Off Comix #16
1st Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #n/a
Rip Off Press
8 1/4" x 10 3/4"
52 pages
Printrun: ?
Cover: Glossy Color
Guts: White

See also:
SRUCC: Rip Off Comix Series
Comixjoint: Rip Off Comix Series
Comixjoint: Rip Off Comix #16
Grand Comics Database: Rip Off Comix #16

Kathe Todd - 1, 2-3
Mark Bodé - 1, 4-7
Trina Robbins - 1, 8-14
Angela Bocage - 8-14(l)
Gilbert Shelton - 15-18+
Paul Mavrides - 15-18+
Frank Stack - 19-24
Jorge Pacheco - 25-27
Bruce Bolinger - 1, 28-34
Gavin Wood - 1, 35-38
Tim Burgess - 39
Spain Rodriguez - 40-44
Larry Todd - 1, 45-47
Matthew Finch - 1, 48-50
Dori Seda - 51
Guy Colwell - 52
2 - An Introduction
3 - Contents
4 - Battle Of The Sexes
8 - Trading Futures
15 - The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers in "Save The Giant Hamsters"
19 - Amazons, Episode 3
25 - The Bet
28 - Stranger In A Strange Land
35 - Hard Love
39 - Marijuana Jones Goes Shopping
40 - Susan Strom, Girl Reporter
45 - Noyo County Capers
48 - I Was A Post Feminist Man
51 - He Says He Doesn't Snore, But He'll Find Out In The Morning
52 - untitled