Robert E. Armstrong - 1-25, 26-34(a), 36
C.C. Crill - 26-34(s)
2 - City Lights
2 - The Naked City
3 - Mickey Rat in Love
8 - Ozzie & Lotta in Survival Of The Fittest
10 - Rythyms, Riots & Rebellions
10 - Roc Revolutionary
11 - College Humor
13 - Ozzie & Lotta in The Hippy Honeymooners
14 - Misplaced Horizons
21 - The Revolutionary Rock Zilla
22 - Jumpin' Jimmy Jiz in T.V. Jeebies
26 - The Coming of The Rat-Man
36 - The Natural Trading Co. (ad)
36 - White Supremacy Products (parody)