Art Spiegelman - 1, 28
Jay Kinney - 5
Richard Krauss - 6
Jim Siergy - 7, 11
Larry Rippee - 10, 12, 33, 34, 35
John Peterson - 13, 33, 38
Gary Whitney - 15, 32, 40
Bob Vojtko - 17, 32, 36, 37
Ken Fletcher - 17, 31, 36
Jaxon (=Jack Jackson) - 17-18(letter)
Mark Grabler - 18(letter)
Dave Taylor - 19-27
Dan O'Neill - 41
Darrel Anderson - 42
2 - Contents
2 - News
3 - Calcade Interviews Jay Kinney
14 - Quick Ones (Reviews)
17 - Letters
19 - Doo-Doo And The Dope
28 - Art Spiegelman Interview
35 - Underground Gas
40 - Flying Fungus Funnies
41 - Odd Bodkins
42 - The Platinum Toad
43 - Editorial
44 - untitled