Doug Hansen (editor) 1-8, 14, 20, 22-25+, 29, 34, 36
George Erling 9
Terje Nordberg 10-13, 15
Kirk Kennedy 16
David Cox 17
John Adams 18, 19
Tucker Petertil 21
Warren Greenwood 22-25+
Dave Geary 26, 30
Jim Siergey 27, 28
Hunt Emerson 31-33, 35
2 - The Artist & His Muse
3 - Scaramouche
9 - Those Cute Li'l Boopers
10 - Mr. Mouse in "The Genie"
14 - Samurai Seacows
15 - The God
16 - Cheese & Quackers
17 - The Road To Chocopan
18 - Those Crazy Ducks
20 - Seafarin' Seacows
21 - Dogmatic Comix
22 - Doug Hansen's "Ten Speed Tommy" meets Warren Greenwood's "The Ultimato" in "Frenzy in Fresno"
26 - Animal Hypnosis
27 - Pubic Hare
29 - The Hero Of Tsushima
30 - Atlas The Talking Dog
31 - Large Cow Comix
34 - Re-Tread
35 - Large Cow Comix
36 - Samurai Seacows