Michael Roden - 1, 3-7, 9-11, 13-16
Steven Fox - 2
Frodo - 8
Edward H. Dorn - 12
Robert Powers - 17-20
Raoul Newk - 21
Don Marsh - 22-24
2 - untitled
3 - Elder Tales with Eye Witness/The Cave of Absu
8 - Larry's Mind - A Tribute to the Old Days
9 - Dreams
12 - The Revenge of Cthulhu
13 - Oceanus
14 - The Final Ride
15 - Penny Arcade
16 - Laff In The Dark
17 - Tales of Mu (Lemuria)
21 - untitled
22 - Oh No It's Marty
24 - This Way To Immortality