Odds & Ends
1st US Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #n/a
May 2001
Bloomsbury Publishing
9" x 10 1/4"
136 pages
Printrun: ?
Cover: Hardcover
Guts: White
ISBN: 1-58234-136-2
Hardcover book, no dustcover.

See also:
SRUCC: The Books of Robert Crumb

Robert Crumb - fc, ifc, fep1, 1, 3-5(a), 7-134, 135, bep2, ibc, bc
Jean-Pierre Mercier - 3-5(introduction)
fc - Odds & Ends
ifc - Cubist art
fep1 - Cubist art
fep2 - blank page
1 - Title page
2 - Indicia
3 - Introduction
6 - A Publishers Note
7 - Bits and Pieces of Crumb's drawings
135 - blank page
136 - R. Crumb
bep1 - blank page
bep2 - Cubist art
ibc - Cubist art
bc - About the Book