Kids Liberation
Coloring Book
1st Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #1108
Last Gasp Eco Funnies
8 3/8" x 11"
52 pages
Printrun: ?
Cover: Glossy Color Heavy Stock
Guts: White
A coloring book for kids by underground cartoonists.
Most copies don't have the insert mini-comix on page 51 as it apparently became too much labor to paste it into every copy of the book.
This one is no exception.

See also:
Grand Comics Database: Kid's Liberation Coloring Book

Larry Welz - 1, 26-34, 50
Kim Deitch - 3-5
Bill Griffith - 6-10
Willie Mendes - 11, 13, 15, 19
Julie Wood (="Jewlie Goodvibes") - 16-18?
Justin Green - 20-25
Johnny Chambers - 35-49+
Bob Inwood - 35-49+
Sally Cruikshank - 51(insert mini-comix)
Trina Robbins - 52
1 - Kids' Liberation Coloring Book
2 - Indicia
3 - The Bedtime Bounce
6 - Mister the Toad in "Farce For Farce's Sake"
11 - Kid's Lib Paper Doll Clothes
13 - Kid's Liberation Paper Doll Clothes
15 - Bill Of Rights
16 - S.T.O.P.
19 - untitled
20 - Stunts of a Dunce
26 - Bird Boy
35 - Little Green Dinosaur
50 - untitled
51 - Last Gasp Productions (ad)
52 - Kid's Lib Paper Dolls