Vaughn Bodé's
Vol. 1
2nd Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #n/a
Fantagraphics Books, Inc.
8 1/2" x 11"
48 pages
Printrun: ?
Cover: Glossy Color
Guts: White
ISBN: 1-56097-307-2
Softbound Book.
The contents of this volume originally appeared in monthly, three-page installments in Cavalier Magazine from April 1970 to June 1971.
The 1st edition was published by Last Gasp, Inc. This is the first Fantagaphics Books edition.

See also:
SRUCC: Bodés Cartoon Concert
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard Volume I
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard Volume II
SRUCC: Vaughn Bodé Diary Sketchbook #1
SRUCC: Vaughn Bodé's Deadbone
SRUCC: Vaughn Bodé's Lizard Zen
SRUCC: The Collected Cheech Wizard, 1st edition
SRUCC: The Collected Cheech Wizard, 2nd edition
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard #1
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard #2
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard #3
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard #4
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard - Schizophrenia, 2nd edition
SRUCC: Cheech Wizard - Schizophrenia, 3rd edition
SRUCC: Orange Bodé, Vaughn Bodé at Syracuse 1965-66, An Annotated Catalog
Grand Comics Database: Vaughn Bodé's Erotica #1

Vaughn Bodé - fc, 1, 3-48, bc
Henning Kure - (editor)
Marc Arsenault - (art director)
Fershid Bharucha - 2(intro,photo)
fc - Vaughn Bodé's Erotica
ifc - blank page
1 - Title page
2 - Introduction and Indicia
3 - Metamorphosis
4 - Giggles
5 - Prophet
6 - Piss Poor Pot Pusher
7 - Getting Shafted
8 - Climbing A Broad
9 - Bean, Gerbel, an Porn
10 - Mounting Manna
11 - Food Stuffs
12 - Candy Cancer
13 - Tit Troop
14 - I Is Free
15 - Da Duel
16 - Downess
17 - Life Raff
18 - Slating On A Slate
19 - Eyeball Of Da Beholder
20 - A Nickel A Ride
21 - Swamp Bunny
22 - Rape
23 - U22
24 - Dune Days
25 - Bombing
26 - Self
27 - Partly Perceived
28 - Whorse Soldiers
29 - The Monster
30 - Rocket Works
31 - Dust
32 - River Meat
33 - Da Dentist McDay
34 - P.O.W.
35 - Liberty
36 - Sex Talk
37 - Nova-1
38 - Space Bed
39 - Good Times A Comin'
40 - Ego Trip
41 - Moon Talk
42 - Body Barter
43 - Hog Baby
44 - Mother
45 - Naked Communication
46 - Dino Sex
47 - Cardinal Construction
48 - Bodé Library (ad)
ibc - blank page
bc - Back in Print at Last!