Dr. Natural's
High Toy Guide
2nd Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #638
December 1971
Ten Speed Press
8 1/4 x 5 3/8
44 pages
Printrun: ?
Cover: dark green on heavy matt green
Guts: white
A manual of cheap thrills, escapism, and primeval wonder for heads and heads of departments.
Chuck Dowd - 1, 5(a), 7-39(a)
Don Baumgart - 5(s), 7-39(s)
fc - Dr. Natural's High Toy Guide
ifc - blank page
1 - blank page
2 - blank page
3 - Title page
4 - Indicia
5 - Dedication
6 - Hallo Kiddies
8 - Run a Tub of Hot Water
10 - Cap Guns
12 - Portable Sea
14 - Detuned TV
16 - Random Noise
18 - Munchies
20 - Mind Organ
22 - Car Wash
24 - Relationship Poker
26 - Homemade Stobe Light
28 - Places To Smoke
30 - Homemade Light Show
32 - Other Toys
34 - Slow Down
36 - You Know You Got It
38 - blank page
39 - blank page
40 - blank page
ibc - blank page
bc - $1.50